The Spoon Game



  • Players: 1+
  • Playing Time: 1-5 Min
  • Ages: 10+
  • Release Date: April 13th, 2023


What a delicious meal you’ve just consumed! You now find yourself with an empty bowl and an idle spoon. In a fit of boredom, you concentrate on the spoon. It beckons to you, “Play with me. You are bored. Play with me now.” You become transfixed by the spoon and follow its command. You and the spoon become one.

The Spoon Game is a moronic game where you try to flip a spoon onto the back of your hand as many times in a row as you can. Play by yourself or challenge a group of friends to see who can get the high score!


Order of Play

  1. Acquire a metal spoon.
  2. Pinch the end of the handle of the spoon with your pointer finger and thumb.
  3. Hold the spoon upright. The spoon is now in position A.

Figure 1. The spoon in position A.

  1. Release the spoon and maneuver your hand so that the spoon lands flat on the back of your hand.
  2. The spoon is now in position B. If the spoon stays in position B for at least 1 second, you get 1 point. If the back of the spoon is facing upward, you get an extra point for a total of 2 points.

Figure 2. The spoon in position B regularly (left) and with the back facing upward (right).

  1. If you drop the spoon or it touches anything that isn’t your hand, you are out of the game. Go to step 8.
  2. Using only the same hand you used to pinch the spoon, repeat steps 2 through 7.
  3. The game is over when all players are out of the game. The winner is the player with the highest score before they got out. If you’re playing by yourself, you are playing to beat your previous high score.

Additional Notes

  • Pick one hand with which to play. Only this hand may touch the spoon. You can never use both hands.
  • While the spoon is in position A, you may not move your hand until you release (unpinch) the spoon.
  • After releasing the spoon from position A, you may not pinch the spoon again until after it has arrived at position B. If you must pinch the spoon before then (i.e. to prevent it from falling to the floor), you don’t lose any points, but you cannot receive more points until you have returned the spoon to position A.
  • You are out of the game if the spoon touches anything that isn’t the hand you chose to play with. This also includes any part of your arm past the wrist.


  • Designed by Luke Leedy